County Matters
Unfortunately, we had another case of flash flooding in the Town in October.The worst once again was on Windermere Road which had about two feet of water on the road with several properties affected.
I managed with the help of residents to prevent vehicles from causing any more damage by advising drivers to not drive through the water. Unfortunately, some drivers did ignore us. Not only do they risk doing damage to their vehicles but also cause extra water to flow into the houses. I arranged for the County Council to place a pumping system in position to help alleviate the flooding. Relocated from Penrith this will remain in place over the winter period. The schemes to help alleviate the flooding on Windermere Road will be started shortly so hopefully by this time next year we will have a system in place which should help the residents. A team from the Environment Agency were there most of the day helping to keep the grids in the car park and ornamental gardens clear so the water could get away as quickly as possible. There was also a delivery of sandbags for residents to use. I would like to thank the Town Mayor for allowing her drive to be used as the drop off point and for her support to me and the residents on the day
The County Council have recently sent out a leaflet to all households with useful information to have available over the coming months and if you need it in a different format (i.e. CD, audio cassette, Braille or large type) or another language please telephone 0300 303 2992 I know as we go into another winter people will still be anxious about the health situation with regards to the ongoing pandemic so please stay safe and if possible, help out your neighbours especially if they are elderly.
Kindest regards
Bill Wearing
Conservative County Councillor Grange Division