The County Council has just recently put out a series of posters designed to raise the profile of adult safeguarding. This is to ensure that all residents are clear that if they have concerns about an adult’s safety or well-being they know how to report it.
These posters will be in GP surgeries and public libraries throughout the County. There is a specific contact number for our area if you have concerns in the south of the County which is 0300 303 2704.
At the last Local Area Partnership meeting (which is a meeting of all the Parishes in the Cartmel Peninsula) a presentation by Michael Roberts, a Speed Watch Volunteer from Cumbria Police, was well received. He mentioned schemes that were in place around the area which were making a difference in decreasing speeding levels in town and villages.
One successful example has been in Endmoor village. From information I have obtained from our highways team and recent community feedback volunteers in Broughton–in -Furness, they have seen a real decrease in speeds on their roads.
With this in mind the group agreed to go back to their relevant Parishes to see if we could set up a scheme with volunteers to form a speed watch scheme for the whole area. Grange Town Council have agreed to look at this and are asking for volunteers to be trained to use the speed guns in the Town area.
If anyone wishes to be a volunteer please let me know and I will pass on your details to the Town Council person organizing this scheme.
You can contact me on tel: 32482 or e-mail at [email protected]